Nest Egg Strategy: Retirement Planning & Mortgage Strategy For Millennials

Printed Book,
“Nest Egg Strategy”

Many people may want a book to complement this web site. Primarily because it can go into far more detail. Also because it can serve as a Primer on home mortgages, a resource for your children when they come of age. You can also put on the bookshelf and refer to it 10 years later.

The 2021 edition of “Nest Egg Strategy” may be exactly what they need. This little 115 page book provides more detailed information than possible in a web site. It’s available directly from Amazon, or a bookstore via Ingram. List price is $14.50.

One chapter, for instance, expands on the reasons why Millennials need a cash nest egg of their own. In addition to the scarcity of guaranteed pensions and paltry pay raises, it notes a number of other circumstances that don’t favor ordinary people with ordinary jobs. Many of which don’t seem to be improving, but becoming even more unfavorable. Add growing calamities to the list and Millennials would be wise not to tarry.

Another chapter explains how an amortized mortgage is build like a layer cake, each layer representing five years of payments. This is very good to know, especially when evaluating tradeoffs when picking a mortgage. In other words, understand what you get and what you give up for adding another five years to the repayment term.

This insight is also useful in crafting a plan to buy back time from the repayment schedule, commonly known a “mortgage prepayment.” (Misleading because you owe every penny at this very moment.) Knowing how much borrowing power gained for adding another five years to the mortgage is also the amount needed to buy back those five years. With this insight, you can craft a plan to recapture all that time.

Yet another chapter reminds readers that home is more than a financial investment. It’s their refuge and sanctuary, sacred space! It reminds them how all their customs, traditions, rituals, practices, celebrations, signs and symbols, and even decorations, reflect their belief that home is more than a house. This chapter serves as a reminder of what they already know this by-heart.

Importantly, it also notes why a Keeper of Hearth and Home should be appointed to protect the sacred space, preventing undue intrusions from the outside world. To also provide peace and tranquility for people to get the physical and mental rest they need to be healthy and happy. Not least, making sure the home is never “under water,” owing more than it’s worth, and vulnerable to lenders in a bad real estate market. Simply put, it’s his or her job to safeguard his or her family’s peace of mind!

“Yeah, But … ” arguments are sprinkled throughout these chapters. They don’t argue against the Nest Egg Strategy per se, but that you can still win at the “borrow dear – repay cheap” game. Not only do these arguments sound good, but many of them were once true in the Old Normal. They may still contain a grain of truth, but they’re far from “gospel.” Proceed with caution.

Chapter Contents:

Chapter 1, Nest Egg Strategy: Adds more detail and examples than the broad concept outlined in the web pages.

Chapter 2, Home as Sacred Space: Reminds readers of what they already remember by heart – home is their refuge and sanctuary; signs and symbols of which are all over the house. Customs and traditions serve as reminders throughout the year, one of which is anointing the champion and protector of the sacred space.

Chapter 3, Economic Prospects, Quality of Life: Adds more detail and examples for why the Old Normal won’t be returning. If anything, there are so many storm clouds that things could easily get worse before they get better.

Chapter 4, Selecting the Best Mortgage: Shows readers how to evaluate the tradeoffs for increasing their borrowing power against loss to a future nest egg. This way, they can make an informed decision in whether the updated kitchen is worth five years of extra payments, for instance

Chapter 5, Buying Back Time: Concept is simple enough: Repay the extra borrowing power and recapture the time that was traded away. But what’s the best way? This chapter shows readers a number of Principal Acceleration and Mortgage Prepayment methods.

With so much at stake, wouldn’t it be better to spend a little time with this book today than wake up 15 years from now and discover that you’ve missed an important turn in the road!

Note: John Cunningham has written a number of books. Most recent is the 2021 “Nest Egg Strategy,” which is available from us directly, before being published on Amazon. There’s also the 2013 “Unscramble Your Nest Egg” version, still available at Amazon. It has the same core information as the 2021 book, but it was driven more by distrust of home appreciation than the retirement puzzle for Millennials. Other topics were also a bit club-footed. Hence the reason for the 2021 version.

Two other books were published in 1988 and 1992. They were titled “How to Unscramble Your Nest Egg” and “Unscramble Your Nest Egg.” The subject was “mortgage prepayment,” a new strategy based on most of the interest being stacked in front of the repayment schedule. (Curiously, they can be found at Used Book stores.)

Simply put, be careful in selecting the 2021 edition.

© Copyright, Cunningham Advisors LLC., 2021

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