Monthly "Annuity" Withdrawals



    Required Nest Egg

    *Calculates the cash-equivalent nest egg at time of retirement needed to fund target monthly withdrawals, given an average earning rate and desired number of months.

    Monthly Withdrawal
    Earning Rate
    Number of Months
    Required Nest Egg

    Monthly "Annuity" Withdrawals

    *Calculates the amount that can be withdraw every month, given the size of nest egg, average earning rate during the entire period, and target number of months.

    Nest Egg
    Earning Rate
    Number of Months
    Monthly Withdrawal

    Earning Rate

    *Calculates the earning rate needed to fund targeted withdrawals over a specific number of months, given a starting nest egg and earning rate.

    Monthly Withdrawal
    Nest Egg
    Number of Months
    Earning Rate

    Number of Monthly Withdrawals

    *Calculates the number of monthly possible withdrawals, given the target amount, size of cash nest egg, and earning rate.

    Monthly Withdrawal
    Nest Egg
    Earning Rate
    Number of Withdrawals